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Ingenious Garlic Spread

Instead of throwing away stale bread, the thrifty cooks of Ikaria put it to work in this surprisingly simple and flavorful recipe called skordalia. The result is a puree that can stand alone as a side dish or be used as a dip for fresh vegetables.

Photo by: Lina Calin

Cook Time:
5 minutes

Ingenious Garlic Spread Recipe


4 pieces of dry bread, cubed, soaked in water; or about 2 cups bread crumbs, soaked in water
1⁄2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 teaspoons tarragon vinegar*
Salt (optional)
Olives (optional)


Put all ingredients except salt and olives in a food processor or high-power blender and blend to consistency of hummus.
Add salt to taste before serving.
Top with olives, if desired.

*Tarragon is a bittersweet herb that has a licorice/anise-like flavor and aroma. If you can’t find tarragon-infused vinegar, you can substitute with white wine vinegar.

100 Recipes to Live to 100 THE BLUE ZONES KITCHEN

The Blue Zones Kitchen fuses scientific reporting, National Geographic photography and 100 recipes that may help you live to 100. The Blue Zones’ food tradition is going the way of the dodo bird, thanks to the encroachment of the American Food Culture.

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From #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, National Geographic Fellow & Founder of Blue Zones, Dan Buettner

The Blue Zones: Secrets for Living Longer

Lessons From the Healthiest Places on Earth