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Go Nuts! 9 Questions For Dan Buettner

April 9, 2022

1. What gives you a sense of purpose? Learning the wisdom of traditional people and spreading that wisdom. 2. Do you have any daily rituals? In the winter I like to eat oatmeal with nuts and cranberries for breakfast, and lately I’ve been adding a little coconut oil too. 3. What is your favorite memory? […]

5 Easy Steps to Blue Zone Your 2017

April 7, 2022

For over a decade now, our team has studied the world’s longest-lived people. Their longevity has nothing to do with brute discipline, diets, exercise programs, or supplements. In blue zones areas around the world, longevity happens to people. It’s the result of the right environment that constantly nudges them into moving more, eating more plants […]

Why Japan’s longest-lived women hold the key to better health

April 5, 2022

It took me two days to convince Gozei Shinzato to show me her arsenal of longevity supplements, but, in the end, she delivered. Before me lay at least five compounds that could explain how the spry centenarian had eluded the diseases of aging to reach her 104th year with the flexibility of a yogi and […]

A Greek Island’s Ancient Secret to Avoiding Alzheimer’s

April 3, 2022

If you are living in America and you hit 85 years, there’s a high chance you have Alzheimer’s disease. On Ikaria, you have a less than 10 percent chance. People are staying sharp and healthy until the end. How Are Ikarians Avoiding Alzheimer’s Disease? They are going wild. Ikarians eat the strictest version of the […]

Lessons from Denmark

April 1, 2022

If they don’t aspire, on the whole, to accumulate great wealth or to achieve world dominance, what they do expect in terms of education, health care, social interaction, and exposure to the arts far outstrips what Americans expect. The Danish path to happiness, after all, isn’t about aspiring to scale peaks but rather about the […]

How to Make Friends as an Adult

March 29, 2022

Just like with dating, making friends as an adult means putting yourself out there. A recent study found that most adults hadn’t added to their social circle in five years. So you actually have to get out of the house, and then also ask people out (as friends). Think about the things you like about […]

CEO Says These 2 Things Create Low Turnover, Happier Employees, Healthy Work Culture

March 27, 2022

Little did I know that Whole Foods CEO and founder John Mackey was in the audience. “I’ve spent my career trying to make it easier for America to eat healthy and then guys like you badmouth us…” he said to me after the show. I felt terrible and resolved to make it up to him. […]

Showering Too Much May Be Wrecking our Skin Microbiome

March 25, 2022

Instead, Hamblin’s soap-less adventures form the centerpiece of his excellent new book, Clean: The New Science of Skin. Other than washing his hands, James hasn’t used soap, shampoo, conditioner, or moisturizer for five years. And while he does step into the shower from time to time it’s more of a rinse off than the product-addled […]

Secret to Longer Life is Low-Tech

March 23, 2022

Several longevity hotspots surfaced through my expeditions — the Barbagia region of Sardinia, Italy; Ikaria, Greece; Okinawa, Japan; the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica; and Loma Linda, California. People in these blue zones regions not just live longer, but they live better. Besides having a large number of centenarians, people in these areas remain active […]

100 Recipes to Live to 100 THE BLUE ZONES KITCHEN

The Blue Zones Kitchen fuses scientific reporting, National Geographic photography and 100 recipes that may help you live to 100. The Blue Zones’ food tradition is going the way of the dodo bird, thanks to the encroachment of the American Food Culture.

The Blue Zones Kitchen

From #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, National Geographic Fellow & Founder of Blue Zones, Dan Buettner

The Blue Zones: Secrets for Living Longer

Lessons From the Healthiest Places on Earth