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The 7-Day Longevity Reset

By Blue Zones Founder Dan Buettner

Secrets of The Blue Zones Kitchen: An Effortless Plan for Eating to 100

7 Days, 7 Guidelines, Recipes & More.

Ready to Reset?

Build a Foundation to Live & Thrive into Old Age

This isn’t seven days and you’re done. A true reset is meant to set you on a path to taking actions that will provide long-term benefit. That’s my goal for you – learn what you need to do and how to do so you eat meals that make you happy and help you live longer.

Eat & Drink for Longevity

There are many lifestyle actions you can take to live a long and healthy life – but I’ve found the easiest and most impactful health benefits come from what you eat and drink – and how you eat and drink. The Reset provides ideas and recipes for food and beverages that taste delicious and support your health.

Backed By Decades of Evidence

The seven guidelines chosen for this Reset are not random. They are chosen based on observing what and how the world’s longest living people have been eating for centuries. Decades of research has shown these are seven of the most impactful things you can do to live and thrive into old age.

Everyday Actions for a Happier, Longer Life

Living and thriving to 100+ isn’t about what you do from time to time – it’s about what you do consistently every day. The Reset guidelines will demonstrate simple ways you can support your body now and well into old age.

It was life changing for me. To have the information readily available, simply put forward without a lot of extra needed study was wonderful. I greatly encourage anyone to try it. You probably won't realize its value until you actually do it. Not just hear about it, but do it- to experience the impact it can make on your life,  and the life of your family if you have one, for the better.

7 Days, 7 Guidelines, Lifelong Results

You are likely wondering whether it’s truly possible to change your life in seven days. The answer is both yes and no. 

If you view the seven guidelines required by the 7-Day Longevity Reset as guidelines for getting started in supporting your health and longevity beyond seven days, then yes, it is possible to change your life in seven days. 

If you view these guidelines as seven days and you’re done, then I’m sorry to say it won’t help all that much – aside from living one happy and healthy week.

The goal here is a true reset; to develop a foundation for healthy eating that you can build off of for years to come. 

And as you’ll discover when you join the Longevity Reset, healthy eating is about a whole lot more than what’s at the end of your fork. 

If you’re familiar with my work, you know that I don’t promote habits as the key to supporting health and longevity. Everything I’ve learned from researching the blue zones — the areas of the world with the highest rates of thriving centenarians — is that environment is the greatest predictor of whether people make healthy choices in their lives.

The 7-Day Longevity Reset is about food (of course!), and teaches you how to naturally eat to 100 without having to put too much thought into it.

 This is the true key to success, and will enable you to enjoy the benefits of the Reset well beyond these seven days with joy and ease.

What's Included

Getting Started

As soon as you sign up, you will receive a detailed guide telling you everything you need to know about Reset guidelines, what to expect, and how to succeed during the Reset and beyond.

Curated Blue Zones Recipes

A selection of recipes from Blue Zones Kitchen cookbooks, and a few from some special guests! You can use these if you don’t want to think too hard about what to eat on the Reset. All are specifically chosen because they are nutrient dense and easy to prepare.

7 Easy-to-Follow Guidelines

Reset guidelines are evidence-based and developed over decades of research. These guidelines will have you thinking differently about how to prepare, share and eat food!

Member Portal with App Access

Your member portal will contain all your lessons, videos, and recipes! You can return to it to review the lessons as often as you want, and can even make it part of your on-the-go routine with easy app access!

Daily Lessons

Success doing the 7-Day Longevity Reset isn’t just about the how – it’s also about the why. You will learn the evidence behind why these seven guidelines have been chosen, so you will feel motivated to make them part of your everyday life. Lessons only take a few minutes per day!


Once you purchase, you’ll have life-time access. You can choose when you want to start the Reset, and you’re free to return to the lessons if you find yourself needing to Reset in the future.

Prepare, Share, and Eat Meals Like the World’s Longest Living People With…

The 7-Day Longevity Reset

By Blue Zones Founder Dan Buettner


About Dan Buettner

Dan Buettner is a National Geographic Fellow, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of six books on longevity and happiness, and a three-time Guinness World Record distance cycling holder.

Dan discovered the five places in the world—dubbed Blue Zones—where people lived the longest, healthiest lives and shared this information with the world. In addition to his best-selling books, his articles about the Blue Zones in The New York Times Magazine and National Geographic are two of the most popular for both publications. Dan has appeared on The Today Show, Oprah, NBC Nightly News, and Good Morning America. He has keynoted speeches at TEDMED and Google Zeitgeist. In January 2018, he was chosen as “One of the Best of Davos” at the Davos World Economic Forum.

When he is not writing about the Blue Zones, he works in partnership with municipal governments, large employers, and health insurance companies to implement Blue Zones Projects in communities, workplaces, and universities. Blue Zones Projects are well-being initiatives that apply Blue Zones lessons to entire communities by focusing on changes to the local environment, public policy, and social networks. To date, the program has dramatically improved the health of more than 5 million Americans.

If he is not writing, talking about, or helping implement the Blue Zones way, you will find him living it.

Connect with Dan

The 7-day Longevity Reset was a life changing experience. The knowledge shared each day opened new insight on how I am eating and what changes I need to make to extend my life's expectancy. What I enjoyed the most was reading about the research and benefits of these stated disciplines. I would highly recommend Dan Buettner's program if you are interested in living a healthy and happy life.

The A’s to Your Most Common Q’s

If you’re familiar with my work, then you will most certainly be familiar with many of the concepts and guidelines presented in The 7-Day Longevity Reset. In fact, you may already be practicing some of them! But this is not about the blue zones – it’s about creating an environment and lifestyle that will allow you to eat to 100. This Reset is for you if you’d like a 7-day framework that helps support your desire to eat, prepare, and share food the way some of the world’s longest living people do.

While the Reset does provide plentiful recipes, it is not a meal plan. You can certainly create a meal plan using these recipes, but it is not required.

I wish I could say yes, but sadly there is nothing in the world that can guarantee a person’s ability to live to 100+ years of age. However, the guidelines provided within the Reset are evidence-based, and developed from decades of researching the world’s longest living people.

Absolutely not. One of the guidelines is to be at least 70-80% plant-slant, but you are welcome to include meat and dairy products if you choose.

The Reset costs just $13 for lifetime access.

You will receive an email detailing how to access the Reset through Kajabi once you sign up. It’s very simple and easy to use. You will also get daily emails for seven days after you sign up.

There is no such thing as too old or too young for the Reset! This is meant to improve your health no matter what your age.

Due to the nature of digital content, there are no refunds for the 7-Day Longevity Reset.. Dan Buettner stands by this product 100%.